The Eastover Security Association (ESA) focuses exclusively on security matters. Virtually all of the ESA dues collected are allocated to fund the Security Patrol. There are minimal administrative expenses related to insurance, accounting and oversight.

The ESA hires off-duty Jackson Police Department (JPD) officers, who are organized and led by former Precinct 4 Commander Kenneth Goodrum. The Eastover Security Patrol is on duty 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Reports are made each day that include any incidents that occurred within the neighborhood.  There are three ESA patrol cars in service, and while the patrol occasionally employs the use of more than one car during a single shift, the normal practice is to alternate the vehicles, so that one car is not being run 24 hours per day. It is sometimes necessary for our patrol to use their JPD marked cars during a shift.

In addition to “house checks” requested by neighbors, the patrol stops suspicious vehicles and determines whether they are in the neighborhood with a legitimate purpose. Working with the on-duty JPD beat cops, the patrol has assisted in arrests for a number of reasons, including theft and DUI. The employment of our patrol has been very successful. They carry a dedicated cell phone provided by the ESA and can be reached 24/7 at (601) 573-7799.

The ESA has installed several security cameras in the neighborhood. Yard signs and car decals are utilized to let the patrol know whether someone is a member, and also to let non-residents know that we have a security association and that you are a member. 

If you are not a member of the ESA, please consider joining today to help provide our neighborhood with the support needed to maintain a successful security patrol. Once you have joined, you will receive car decals as well as a yard sign.

The current dues for the ESA are:
$80.00 per month
$240.00 per quarter
$960.00 per year

 ESA members are encouraged to pay annually or to enroll in automatic draft as it reduces our administrative costs. 

 Click here to view and download the Eastover Security Association Membership Form.

To join the Eastover Security  Association online,  click here.

For more information, please contact:

Eastover Security Association
Attn: Finney Moore
P.O. Box 12255
Jackson MS 39236


The ESA patrol officers have asked me to convey to all of you that they are grateful for the opportunity to work for this wonderful neighborhood and to keep all of you safe in your homes and property.

PLEASE REPORT ANYTHING SUSPICIOUS!!! Call or text the patrol number, 601-573-7799, any time you have that funny feeling that something just does not look or feel right. We are here to ensure that you and your families have a safe and enjoyable place to live.


The Greater Eastover Neighborhood Foundation and the Eastover Security Association exist to support continuing improvements and community events within the Eastover Neighborhood.

We love our neighborhood and we support its continuing beautification and growth.

P.O. Box 12255
Jackson, MS 39236-2255

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